No Empire Was
Built In One Day

But brick by brick it became something worth living for

See the "Worksheets" page for printer friendly worksheets to work through at your own pace! Tutorials and benefits are explained for each sheet.

Click the picture to go directly to the page

Keep an eye out for announcements about Group Workshops, too! I periodically lead a workshop in small groups to teach helpful skills. Things like holding healthy boundaries and clear communication to seek connection.

Building A Life Worth Living

For any empire, they had to lay bricks to build their capital. It took a lot of work! Not only was it time and effort, but it took a team of workers. What I am is someone on your team. If you have a goal to reach and you need a team: I'll join your team. I'll cheer you on as you embark on this building. I'll hand you the tools you need to succeed. I'll even help you figure out what you're building!
I'll help you build a life worth living.

What Does That Mean For You?

No matter what obstacle you are trying to overcome, what it requires is doing one thing at a time. Whether you want to improve your relationship with your spouse or a
co-worker, learn to regulate your feelings, or just practice healthier habits - it's going to take one brick at a time.

Be the Emperor or Queen of Your Life

About Me

My name is Ash. Just Ash - no Dr. or Mister in front of it.

I am a Behavioral Coach that uses a relaxed and professional approach to various Behavioral Therapy tactics and tools. Located in Tucson, Arizona, I work from home while using Video Calls for appointments - so we can have a session anywhere you want! I have certifications of completion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy techniques, and Life Coaching techniques.
I earned these certifications from
Achology: The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology.

I am also working with a professional Behavioral Coach of 15 years in a mentorship to continue my learning. What I have learned is that it is not the degree's or certifications that prove how competent someone is at something. The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. I have been working with clients who suffer from OCD, ADHD, traumatic life experiences, depression, suicidal thoughts, and co-dependency.

"You can only lead someone where you
have gone yourself."

I won't preach to you; I won't give you all the answers; I can't even promise you'll like me.
I can promise to be real with you though. I do promise to be authentic with you. 

The method I learned was to take people down the path that I have walked. A path of learning and a path of training my brain to think differently.
Kain Ramsay, my instructor from Achology, said:
"You can only lead someone where you have gone yourself." 

The tools I will be using to help you reach your goals are the same tools I use for myself. Our personal struggles or goals may be different - but these tools are beneficial for everyone!

Still not sure? Below are some clients that I have worked with and how they feel about their sessions with me.


Ash makes it very easy to talk to and feel comfortable around. I never feel like I am being judged for my thoughts and feelings. He has helped me to get to know myself better and set reachable goals to improve my way of life!


Ash is compassionate and a very good listener but also knowledgeable and professional.  In a short time, I  was introduced to new tools to improve myself and grew at a pace I was comfortable with. 


*To protect the privacy of some clients, names may have been shortened, changed, or omitted completely.

Nitty Gritty

Here is where I break down the business part of it. My goal is to help you feel comfortable with choosing me as your Behavioral Coach.

I don't take insurance for payments. Because of that, I pride myself on offering very affordable price points. I'll be charging less than half of what your average Therapist would charge for a 1 hour session. You and I will also start with a discounted introduction to get to know each other and to see if we would like to continue working together!

This is as much for your benefit as it is for mine. I'm not a licensed doctor or therapist, and because of that, I may direct you to a more qualified professional if I feel you would benefit from it. I want you to have a healthy mind more than I want your money.

That being said: you will find more info on pricing in the Client Questionnaire form.

Available for Calls: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST, Monday - Friday
I'll respond at earliest opportunity on business days.

Phone: (520) 250-6157 or Email:

Primarily Meeting Over Zoom or other preferred Video Call service

Instagram: TrainingHealthyMinds1